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PowerSchool Information

NW PowerSchool Code-  DGQK

If you are in need of your students access codes, please call your building office for more information. 

Add Students to Your Account

Use this procedure to add one or more students (for whom you have legal and parental rights) to your parent account. Once added, you will be able to view their information by way of your account. To edit or remove a student associated to your account, contact your school.

  1. On the start page, click Account Preferences from the navigation menu. The Account Preferences – Profile page appears.
  2. Click the Students tab.
  3. On the Students tab, click the Add icon to add a student to your parent account. The Add Student dialog appears.
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the applicable fields:
    Note: The Cancel and Save buttons appear shaded until information is entered.



    Student Name

    Enter the first and last name of the student you want to add to your account.

    Note: Regardless of the name you enter, the system will populate the name based on the access ID and password for the student.

    Access ID

    Enter the unique access ID for the student.

    Note: If you do not have this information, contact your school’s PowerSchool administrator.

    Access Password

    Enter the unique access password for the student.

    Note: If you do not have this information, contact your school’s PowerSchool administrator.


    Indicate how you are related to the student by choosing the appropriate association from the pop-up menu.

    Note: The relationship selected during account creation is for your reference only and is not displayed/used in the PowerSchool admin portal.

  5. Click Submit. The Add Student Dialog closes. The newly added student appears under My Students. Additionally, an account changes confirmation email is sent to your email address.
PowerSchool Parent Portal Instructions

Required Forms Via PowerSchool

Parent Powerschool Login Site

PowerSchool Parent Portal Document 


*Students can access PowerSchool with their NW student User ID and password.   

How to Update Phone Numbers and Address in the Parent PowerSchool Portal

  1. Login to the Parent PowerSchool Portal 
  2. Select 'Forms' under the Enrollment Tab 
  3. Complete Forms 1 through 4.

IMPORTANT: Forms 1 and 3 MUST be completed to update phone and address in all fields on the Parent PowerSchool Portal.