Northwest Community Schools
Curriculum and Instruction
The Curriculum and Instruction Department serves the needs of the teachers and administrators of the Northwest Community School District by providing the services and support to enable schools to provide the best educational program possible for all students. Every possible effort is made to provide support, resources, and professional development to assist teachers and principals to provide a top quality education for all children.
Instructional Content for Northwest Community Schools
The primary sources of instructional objectives for the Northwest Community Schools are the Michigan Academic Standards from the State of Michigan Department of Education. These documents guide all instructional content, grades k-12. They are utilized throughout the instructional process: lesson planning, implementation, presentation, and evaluation.
All subject areas are aligned to these content standards and paced according to the length of the school year or course. Common Assessments are designed by the teachers for each grade and or course. Teachers utilize data as a part of their common weekly collaboration time to make informed decisions in their instruction. Illuminate is the data management system that is used by Northwest Community School teachers for this process.
2024-2025 MICIP Goals:
- By the Spring of 2025, the district will see an increase in non-chronically absent (0-9.9%) attendance to an average of 71% for the district as measured by the PowerSchool Chronic Absenteeism report
- By the Spring of 2025, the district will see an average percentage in ODR for the 0-1 range increase to an average of 77% as measured by the SWIS triangular report which includes only administrator-managed ODRs.
Content- Tier 1
- By Winter of 2025, the district will record a score of 80% for both elementary and secondary on the Tier I RTFI as measured by Spring Tier 1 RTFI.
Content - Advanced Tiers
- Elementary Goal - By the Winter of 2025, the district will record a score on the Advanced Tiers RTFI of 55% in elementary on the RTFI.
- Secondary Goal - By the Winter of 2025, the district will record a score on the Advanced Tiers RTFI of 69% in secondary on RTFI.
Director of Instruction
Cari Bushinski
Director Of Instruction
Northwest Community Schools